Churchill Had it Right
Sep 17, 2021
“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all others.” Whether you are conservative, liberal or somewhere in the middle, we can all admit the country isn’t at its best right now. Blame whomever for whatever. This isn’t a debate about issues. It’s just a tacit acknowledgement we’re not exactly firing on all cylinders at the moment. The question thus becomes, even at suboptimal performance, what’s the alternative?
In the second quarter of 2021, our national GDP grew over 6.5%, granted the baseline comparison was pretty awful. Unemployment is continuing to come down from pandemic highs. Economically, we’re getting back on track. Politically, well, let’s just say we’ve still got some work to do. But we also saw two private companies launch people into orbit this year. Crypto assets are continuing to gain traction. Sports betting is proliferating. We developed vaccines for Covid in under a year. In other words, our ingenuity is still thriving, fostered by an environment that encourages and rewards risk.
Few would argue our greatest political and economic threat is China. Their growth has been nothing short of stratospheric (if we’re to take their economic reports at their word). Yet for all their successes and opportunities, they really can’t help but shoot themselves in the foot. Whether it’s curtailing crypto or clamping down on gambling in Macau, where the U.S. seeks expansion and sees opportunity, China wants greater control and sees threats. When you spend all your energy suppressing perceived threats to an authoritarian government, it leaves little room to foster growth.
Ultimately, this all comes down to perception. Where the U.S. sees opportunity in the future, China sees threats. We see a half-full glass with room for more to be poured in. China is preoccupied with not letting the water level fall more. It's the difference between playing to win and playing to not lose.There is a fundamental difference between how our two countries view what innovation represents.
What our country will look like in a couple months is anyone’s guess. Covid remains a very real threat to a return to normalcy. There will certainly be more challenges ahead both politically and economically. But if you’re betting on who will come out ahead, it’s tough to argue the U.S. isn’t the chalk. Besides, China doesn’t even want you going over there to bet in the first place.
Where to begin? The prosperity of a nation is *not* reflected in its GDP; it's reflected in how well those with less privilege thrive. And while I understand your point Dylan; it really isn't relevant whether USA or China is winning some perceived pissing contest between the oligarchs running both shit shows.
Thank you --- Biden administration is full of Russia-gate hoax conspirators. Among them is Hillary campaign's national security advisor, Jake Sullivan — now President Biden's National Security Advisor.
Sullivan was a member of the team that concocted the Russia-gate scam of the century and has played a role in destruction of Trump’s National Security Advisor, a distinguished general Michael Flynn (whom narcissist Obama abhorred). The persecution and insults to Mike Flynn still continue to this day:
Chase bank just cancelled credit card of US general, Michael Flynn.
Reason given: Flynn is a "reputation risk"....
Truly an outrage – always remember Obama’s bank mega-gangsters and their “reputation”.
The Indictment of Hillary Clinton's Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russia-gate Wing of U.S. Media
The DOJ's new charging document, approved by Biden's Attorney General, sheds bright light onto the Russia-gate fraud and how journalistic corruption was key.
PS: I am sure that Hunter Biden has all his credit cards - full of money "earned" by Biden-family corruption.